TSPS End of Year Celebration / Bonenkai on Wednesday evening at the fabulous, on-the-water, Intercontinental Tokyo Bayside Hotel… our second time at this location.

Approximately 40 Members and Guests arrived to a fairly dressed-up affair. The focus was the Awards Ceremony for 7 who have distinguished themselves over this last year. Five deep-rooted TSPS former Commanders joined, too, with former Commander Per Knudsen providing the opening “Kanpai!”.

Event schedule is below. You will also find the Nominees for each of the illustrious achievements: Most Time on the Water; Captain-of-the-Year, Toss-Overboard, Writer’s Block, Blue Bucket and, this year a first: a Commander’s Award.
The photos tell the real story (click for Google Drive of ALL photos). Please supplement with your own observations in Comments below if you were with us. Overall, the event went splendidly: Svetlana organized the whole thing, Andy was superb as Master-of-Ceremony, Timothy utilized his well-honed dumpster-diving-skills to provide an eclectic collection of highly sought trophies.






Captain of the Year: this framed coveted-trophy is otherwise known as “The Captain Crunch Award”. It consists of a luxuriantly-framed cereal box with a copy of a wrecked yacht pasted on the bottom: displaying the tremendous thought and no-expense-spared attitude in creating this gem. The Award is self-explanatory. Nominees: Remi, Chris, Jeremy, Ryan
Toss Overboard: Like some rancid cheese left on the boat from the last sailing journey, some individuals have overstayed their good-by-date, to remain as constant irritants to the Bridge Commanders who follow. This award goes to the longest-serving, most irascible and consistent participant in TSPS over the years.
Nominees: Per, Claus, Demir, Jeff
The Blue Bucket: this handsome trophy is a framed fragment of a destroyed blue-plastic bucket. This represents the accomplishments of our TSPS Member who, in spite of a mere tiny challenge, devoted incredible energy & resources, at considerable risk, to achieve a very minor goal, causing great destruction in the process.
Nominees: Bill, Ash, Cris, Remi, Toshi, Evan, Timothy
Writers-Block, & Tackle: This award goes to the individual who has somehow captured the attention of visitors to the TSPS webpage. Thousands of hits have been recorded and some of these stories are actually lucid. The winner this year generated an amazing 10,000 hits and only 4 lawsuits.
Nominees: Svet, Remi, Toshi, Timothy, Bill
Most Days on the Water: this trophy consists of a Gift Certificate from renowned local divorce-specialist law firm for free-consultation in the inevitable event of divorce by a distraught and neglected wife. The Award goes to that special individual who has most-successfully avoided home-duties by spending all of his available free-time on his boat (or that of a friend’s). The elaborately framed-certificate includes “Break Glass In Case Of Emergency” instructions.
Nominees: Darren, Demir, Mike Snyder, Freddie
Bent-Stanchion: this gorgeous silvery Trophy epitomizes the plight of all who devote money, resources and energy to repairing and preserving some object of great affection, only to have it reduced to junk in a single instance of inattention or cruel fate.
Nominees: Jeremy, Robin, Cris, Evan, Brendan, Max
Commander’s Award: this filthy-piece of material is reportedly a fragment of the Nelson 120 gun battleship. It is a token of gratitude felt by the Commander for the Awardee’s uncanny sense of emergency and quick action to stave-off further damage during an otherwise disastrous Inawashiro lakeside event in this early Autumn.
Awardee: Brendan