Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Change of Watch this year was held last night, March 17th, via Zoom. In total, 33 TSPS members attended.
Following the outgoing Bridge officers reports and a brief question time, Commander David Edwards relieved the outgoing Bridge of their duties.
Secretary David Sutton-Kirkby cast a unanimous ballot for the following 2021 Bridge positions:
2021 Bridge Officers
- COMMANDER – Rick Pawell
- EXECUTIVE OFFICER – Stephan Riediger
- SECRETARY – Timothy Langley
- ADMIN OFFICER – Claude Strobbe
- TREASURER – Bill Van Alstine
The vote was cast with no other nominations and was unanimously passed with a “Yea” from the TSPS members present, in addition to the 17 “Yea” votes received by email (50 total “Yea” votes).
Chris Pitts invited the newly elected officers to take the Oath of Office which duly followed, then turned over the meeting to the New Commander Rick Pawell.
Following a virtual “Toast to the New Bridge” the Change of Watch closed at 20.00 hours.
2021 Members-at-Large
- MEMBERSHIP – John Marshall
- CRUISING & WEBSITE – David Edwards
- PUBLIC AFFAIRS – Jiro Fujiwara
- SOCIAL EVENTS – David Sutton-Kirkby