August Keelhaul Report

By Timothy Langley

September 2, 2024

Lots of people in this photo: Maria Tenold (Bridge), Eirik Tenold, Captn. Toshi Tanaka, Jeff Canaday (Bridge), Maksim, Michael, Remi, Ash Smart (Bridge)(AND Keelhaul Sponsor!), Greg Melchior.

The Bridge was initially unsure, given the weather, the holidays, many out-of-country, etc., to host the August Keelhaul. Bridge Member Ash Smart took the bull by the horns with”damn the torpedos!” and so we announced as-usual: the first Wednesday. And what a party it was!

To the delight & surprise of all, this Keelhaul turned-out to be a total blow-out: it exceeded the number of people who attended in years past: more than 32 Members, Friends-of-TSPS and lurkers joined us! And this was in spite of the tremendous rain and wind that followed everyone into the Pizzakaya venue, and basically flooded everyone when we left!

But anyhow, a great time was had by all. Here is a photo-montage of the event.

Someone watching their weight
Captn. Michael Staley, Captn. Darren Halliday, Remi in the background
Jochen Damerau
Greg Melchior
Captn. Toshi Tanaka, Jeff Canaday (Bridge), Bridge Commander Bill Van Alstine, Laurie Wesselhoff.
Half gnawed pizza….
Captn. Claude Strobbe (Bridge), Michael, Ash, Remi, Mike, Emma, Chris Adamson
Always-hungry Maksim Ziurin
Captn. Daren Halliday, Naoko Staley, Captn. Michael Staley, Captn. Chris Eve
Jochen Damerau is joined by his daughter for pizza~~
Always Tabasco…

Please join us on the first Wednesday of September, too, at Pizzakaya for a return engagement!

Timothy Langley

About Timothy Langley

I joined TSPS 5 years ago after stumbling-upon a decrepit abandoned yacht in Chiba; I joined in order to get my Class II license so that I could sail the craft while fixing it up. Eventually, with the help of TSPS and friends like Evan Burkowsky and Tony Hardie, we made the boat (and me, too!) seaworthy. More recently, I have fallen into an even older larger sailboat and am working with friends to restore her to magnificence! She is a very desirable fifty-year old Swan 44'. So I will part with my beloved Santana and transition from solo-sailing to a more traditional crew-sailing (but to much farther destinations!). Sailing is such a rich and deep pastime. Thank you for posting your own comments and sailing experiences here.

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