Kamchatka by sea: sailing through Russia’s hidden gem♡

Are you tired of scorching hot days and relentless heat waves, even when you’re near the water? Let me tell you about my escape from the heat. Here I am, just a few kilometers from Japan, in a place where the temperature plummets to bone-chilling lows. Welcome to Kamchatka, one of the most remote and breathtakingly beautiful regions in Russia. This land is as wild and untamed as it gets.

Our vessel, the Liberty, is a McGregor 65, a rare gem with only 100 boats ever made between 1991 and 1992. This boat is a marvel of design—long, narrow, and incredibly strong, built to withstand the harshest conditions. With its sleek, bullet-like shape, the Liberty slices through the water effortlessly. We managed to achieve speeds of 6-7 knots even with no wind, and when we engaged the motor, we soared at 12-13 knots. Gliding through the water, we felt like the orcas and sea lions we encountered, their graceful movements mirrored by our boat’s agility.

In just one week, we’ve experienced the full spectrum of weather. We’ve basked under a bright sun, battled towering waves, and braved storm-force winds. The ever-changing conditions have kept us on our toes, making each day an exhilarating adventure. And our diet? Well, we’ve been indulging in caviar for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a luxurious treat that adds to the uniqueness of this journey.

One of the most memorable experiences was taking a sauna on an old Soviet tanker and then plunging into the frigid ocean, which was a mere 8 degrees Celsius! The shock of the cold water was invigorating, a stark contrast to the warmth of the sauna. And, of course, we couldn’t resist toasting with vodka, though I must confess, we didn’t actually drink with bears—it might sound thrilling, but it would be terrifying in reality!

In five days, we’ve covered an impressive 250 miles. Despite the cold, which has been a constant companion, we’ve embraced every moment. This is the best season to be here, and yet it’s still incredibly chilly. However, the cold is a small price to pay for the breathtaking beauty and the unforgettable experiences Kamchatka offers.

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