Tag Archives: USPS

TSPS Website Post To Appear in The Ensign Magazine

The Ensign Mag[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he new TSPS website has been up for 6 months and each and every month it has attracted over 1,300 new and unique viewers in more than 90 countries worldwide. Some of these viewers go on to become members of TSPS, while others sign up for the “At The Masthead” weekly digest of Tokyo boating news and stories published to the site. Still others, visit to get a sense of what’s going on in the TSPS boating community, or mistakenly stop by on their way to the Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons.

So it came as a pleasant surprise when we received an email from Tina Tibbitts, assistant editor of The Ensign magazine. Tina wrote to us requesting permission to include one of our website stories and the accompanying picture in an upcoming edition of  the official magazine of United States Power Squadrons. Of course permission was given, but only after satisfying the demands for free pizza at the next Keelhaul from the photographer and his roguish writer friend. What this dynamic duo doesn’t know is that we offer pizza and more to all who attend the Keelhaul 😉

So for those of you who receive The Ensign as part of your TSPS membership, look for our story in the Waypoints section. For those of you who don’t, The Ensign is but another in a long list of reasons to become members of the Tokyo Sail & Power Squadron.

TSPS Battle Ribbon Graces USPS 100th Anniversary Flag


One of the many activities planned to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the USPS in 2014 is for each district- in our case District 13- to collect “battle ribbons” from each district squadron. These ribbons, in colors chosen by the squadron, will accompany the 100th anniversary USPS flag every time it’s brought out for district events. The Tokyo Sail & Power Squadron battle ribbon is in simple red and white in tribute to the colors of Hinomaru, the Japanese flag. Along with the district number and squadron location or name, the ribbons bear the year of the founding of the squadron embroidered across the bottom.

We may not be able to attend many District 13 events because of the distances involved, but at least we are there now in name alongside the 14 other squadrons of the district.

Battle Ribbon 1

TSPS Among Fastest-Growing USPS Squadrons

Two thousand and eleven was a good year for the Tokyo Sail and Power Squadron. We organized great events, held very successful cruises, made a donation to Toyo High School as part of our Tohoku Relief efforts, and we expanded our membership considerably.

Well, our parent organization, the United States Power Squadrons, has recognized our achievement in growing our squadron membership by presenting us with a Growth Award certificate (see below), citing TSPS as a top-10 squadron in terms of percentage increase in membership.

In 2011, we increased our membership by 17% which put TSPS in 6th place out of the 450 squadrons in the USPS. This is quite an achievement. Under Past-Commander Stuart Milne’s leadership in 2011, TSPS membership broke through 100 and finished the year at 104 members. We are continuing to grow and at the end of April, our membership stood at 111.

We would like to encourage members to introduce their friends to TSPS by inviting them to our events, and we extend an invitation to non-members to attend our monthly Keelhauls and social events to get a taste of the enjoyment membership in TSPS brings. Check out the calendar on the homepage for upcoming events.

Let’s make 2012 as successful a year as 2011. See you at a TSPS event soon!

Fair winds,

Warren Fraser
Commander, TSPS