Over 50 members and their guests celebrated sixty years of service by TSPS to the Tokyo boating community on the evening of June 11, 2016, at Velasis Marina in Uraga, Yokosuka. After some words commemorating the event by members of the Bridge, including past Commander Per Knudsen and current Commander David Sutton-Kirby, a champagne toast was held and a fine meal of ribs, blue cheese pizza, and many other delicious dishes was provided by Velasis.
Special guests were also in attendance.
From Hayama Yacht Club there were several representatives, including Vice Commodore Tamaotu Aritomo, Councillor Koichiro Tanaka, and Director Masayuki Maruo.
Past Commander Tony Whitman, newly ensconced in San Diego, also flew in to participate. Also there was past Commander Hunter Brumfiel and wife Eiko, so long a mainstay of the organisation.
Music was provided by the Mototeru Band, which eventually resulted in people dancing “as if no one were watching.” And it was quite a sight to see.
Bridge officer Warren Fraser memorialised the event by taking photographs on real old-school film of various combinations of the participants, which will be available at cost in the future.
All in all, it was a rollicking good time and a fitting celebration of 60 years in Japan on the part of the Tokyo Sail and Power Squadron.
Photos in the slide below courtesy of Treasurer Ernie Olsen and Warren Fraser.