On Saturday, TSPS hosted a fabulous barbeque at the Yumenoshima Marina; about 35 people showed-up.
The day started with a Bridge Meeting in a corner of the restaurant while the tables were being set-up and folks were gathering.

This was an “Open Meeting” where everyone was invited to attend. It was well-received and maybe something to consider doing regularly. People enjoyed glimpsing into how the organization is actually managed and how-things-get-done.
From 1:00 the grills were ignited and the beer-taps opened.

As you can see from the photos, the weather was perfect and the atmosphere just festive and glorious!
Much appreciation to Bridge Member Claude Strobbe for initiating and setting this up for the Club… plus, it happened to be his birthday, too! So maybe a bit of double-dipping to have a party with all his sailing mates! A terrific idea.

After the Marina turned off the taps, the remaining throng lumbered over to see the reality of the rumor that a Swan ’44 had entered into the bevy of boats belonging to TSPS Members.

Bridge Secretary Timothy Langley hosted 20+ people to visit his newly acquired, fifty-year-old forty-four foot Swan sailing yacht: it was something of a coming-out for this yacht, since it was the first time for visitors!

Halfway through the revelry, the electricity went-out, leaving the entire cabin in darkness. Unfazed, the hearty-crew still continued until all the liquor, beer, and kaki-no-tani were consumed: it was a perfect ending to a really remarkable day.

Next up: Bonenkai on December 4… instead of December’s regularly-scheduled Keelhaul. This event will be an Awards Banquet with Andy Lawson coming back for a repeat performance as MC, so it should be something not to miss. Rumor has it that the competition for the Blue Bucket Award is heated…
For details, costs, deadlines for reserving, etc., please see https://tspsjapan.org/get-ready-for-our-annual-end-of-the-year-celebration/
Lovely weather, great meats and veggies from the bbq and the Belgian fries made for a perfect party.

I don’t remember how I got to sleep on my boat, but I do remember some trumpet playing to remind me of my birthday !
Love you all
Great afternoon at the BBQ meeting new people from all walks of life with numerous interests and stories plus their obvious passion for sailing. Not to be missed.
First of all, a big THANK YOU to everyone involved in the planning and organizing of this year’s BBQ. It was fantastic! A lot of fun with almost enough food and drink to sink a 44-foot Swan sailing yacht. Really enjoyed it and it was nice to be able to celebrate Claude’s birthday. Thanks Tim for showing us your wonderful ‘new’ boat. A real classic beauty!