The annual TSPS Bonenkai was held on Wednesday, December 7th at the Pink Cow in Shibuya. Over 35 people attended the party, and ate to their heart’s content for over two hours feasting on a Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, greens, and cranberry sauce. The Pink Cow chefs also prepared Japanese dishes and the buffet was never without a TSPS member filling their plate. Bottled beer, along with draft beer and wine flowed all night, with Ernie Olsen providing a few bottles of some great red wines from his personal stock. A big thank you from TSPS to the Pink Cow for their hospitality.

Bonenkai parties are held in Japan to celebrate the passing of the year, and for those in attendance, it was also the final opportunity to see TSPS Commander Stuart Milne at one of our events. Stuart is leaving after four-plus years in Japan, and so it was with some sadness that the attendees listened to Stuart’s final address to a TSPS gathering. He spoke of his move to distant shores and of the status of our on-going projects. He also announced TSPS’ and USPS’ donation of ¥500,000 for the purchase of an instructional model ship to be used in a maritime school in the tsunami-affected Tohoku coastal region. The speech was met with thunderous applause, after which Stuart introduced Warren Fraser as nominated TSPS Commander for 2012. Cruising Coordinator Per Knudsen spoke for the entire organization in thanking Stuart for his many efforts and strong leadership over 2011 and wished him the best from all of us in his future endeavors.

Here is a link a few photos taken during the Bonenkai. If any of those in attendance wish to share their pictures, contact Warren Fraser for uploading instructions.