Captain Robin’s Excellent GW Adventure

By Robin Mah

May 15, 2024

Due to difficult sailing conditions, we decided to delay departure and shorten the voyage. Our four day journey from Yumenoshima to Ito became an overnighter to Misaki.

We set sail early hoping north winds would push us far enough south that we could reach Misaki before dark.

We reached the Aqua Line under clear skies, fair winds and calm seas while Mount Fuji kept watch over us, peeking-out from over the clouds.

We even had time to relax and take turns catching a few winks.

Suddenly and much earlier than forecast, the wind changed direction and we were confronted by a strong southerly wind. Complicating this was a damaged traveler that literally broke apart spilling bearings out into the track.

I thus made the call not to motor the rest of the way to Misaki, turned-around and headed back to home port.

Safety first, as always!

With the wind now at our back, we finally had the chance to deploy the gennaker and flew home at a brisk pace passing Tokyo Disney Resort. 

Back on dry land, we imagined we did the full journey and were camped out in the forested hills of Ito!

The next day, we did not sail but did lavish some necessary repair & maintenance on my beloved 26’ Figaro.

To our great fortune, there was a Hawaiian festival going strong in the background at Yumenoshima Marina, which made for a satisfying and exciting day!

All-in-all the Captain and crew of Figaro had a wonderful fun-filled Golden Week!


I am the newly minted Captain of the good ship Figaro, a 26 foot NJY Libeccio moored at Yumenoshima Marina. I sailed Lasers in the UBC Sailing Club and after many years of absence from the sport, re-ignited my passion for sailing recently. After a career inside the Tokyo Disney Resort I now see DisneySea from the sea.


Timothy Langley

About Timothy Langley

I have been aware of TSPS for 15 years but only fell into it when someone invited me to a Keelhaul; I didn't know what it was. I signed-up to take the test, aced-it thanks to TSPS, and thereafter changed my weekends of working on old cars to sailing regularly. I soon stumbled on a decrepit abandoned yacht, purchased it, fixed it up, sailed the heck out of it. It is now a very proper and reliable sailing vessel. Under the tutelage of Captain Burkowsky I started my journey to somewhat-competence as a solo sailor (a long road). I am nowadays out on the Pacific almost every weekend. Completely smitten.

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