Category Archives: News

Ocean Day Cruise 2018

Three boats participated in this year’s Ocean Day Cruise, July 14-16: Bifrost with Skipper Per Knudsen and son Miku , Sentosa with Skipper Arne Barden and his crew of Benjamin and Friedrich , and Distant Dreamer with Skipper Mike Snyder and his crew of Warren, Andy and Vincent.

The first day the boats met at Misaki, where they docked overnight and enjoyed the local Ocean Day festivities and the wonderful fresh sushi.

The next morning, after the fog lifted, we left together and sailed to Zushi Bay, where we anchored, swam about in the refreshing water and had a barbecue onboard.

Then, on a clear Monday morning we all returned safely to our respective home ports. It was a good three days on the water.

Sailboat Rentals at Hayama

Good news for TSPS members!

We are able to rent Yamaha 30S sailboats at Hayama Marina through the Nihon Sail Training (NST) organization there. They have 6 of these boats that they are willing to rent to TSPS members at the friendly rate they give to Hayama Marina Yacht Club members, ¥20,000 for the day. The capacity of the boats is around 6 people (depending on size) or 500 kilograms total weight. At least one of the renting members must have a Japan boating license and be checked out by the NST to be competent in handling the boat and in putting the boat away properly. We have three such skippers now, so if you want to go out, one or two of them can join you for the initial sail. Once you are a known entity at Hayama, you’ll be able to take the boats out yourself.

At present we have three dates already reserved:  July 8 (Sun), 22 (Sun) and 28 (Sat). If you are interested in renting one of the boats, let us know: either one of these days or a day of your choosing (we’ll check the schedule and let you know if it’s possible.)

For more information and to reserve a day, get in touch with Mike Snyder.

Our joint event with Hayama Marina Yacht Club on July 21 would be a great time to check out the boats, too!



TSPS HMYC Joint Sailing 2018 Event Coming Up

Sailors for the Sea・Sunset Regatta & Party with TSPS

This year’s joint sailing event with our good friends at Hayama Marina Yacht Club is coming up on July 21. This year people from Sailors For the Sea will be joining the event, so it should be quite a fun time on the water as well as at the subsequent party.

Go to the event announcement for further details and to sign up. The limit for TSPS members will be 30.

Golden Week Cruise

Two boats joined in the cruise over Golden Week, Mike Snyder’s Distant Dreamer with two crew and two TSPS member guests aboard (who left us in Misaki), and Arne Barden’s Sentosa, with Arne’s wife and three children. Sentosa formerly belonged to George Leaning and was known as Sophie. Both boats sail from Yokohama. Sentosa left first and headed for Misaki and Ito. DD followed, going to Misaki and with a plan to go to Shimoda, but rain and high winds (26-32 knots) made her stay in Misaki, where she met up with Sentosa on her return from Ito.

Besides meeting up with Sentosa in Misaki, Distant Dreamer had yacht Tonoas rafted to her with people we had met in Hota on the Opening Cruise. There was a Ukulele Festival being held in Misaki and they knew some of the musicians. Eventually, we had a number of musicians on board both boats and passed an enjoyable day listening to all kinds of music played on ukulele, violin, and jamisen (Okinawa shamisen).

With the high winds prevailing and Arne coming in from Ito, we decided to stay in Misaki an extra day and wait for him. Also, we were able to get up to the famous old TSPS Rendezvous location on the hill above Shoiso Bay and visit with long-time member and Past Commander Hunter Brumfield and his wife Eiko.

The sail back, both boats together until Uraga where DD turned in for fuel and lunch, was in beautiful weather, with 12-16 knots winds, clear skies and following seas.





Opening Cruise to Hota Accomplished

Delayed a week due to inclement weather on the originally scheduled week-end, the TSPS Opening Cruise to Hota took place on April 21-22. Two boats with 8 people total on board made it to Hota after a day of zig-zagging down Tokyo Bay in 18-24 knot winds. In Hota we met some fellow sailors from Yokohama Bayside Marina and Moroiso Yacht Club with whom we enjoyed a hearty seafood meal. A good time was had by all but the bunks were welcome after the day’s exertions. The next day the wind was minimal in the morning, so it was motoring back to Yokohama for both boats.  We look forward to more cruises to come.



Bridge Officers for 2018 Sworn in at Change of Watch

On Thursday, March 15th, the Change of Watch was held at Le Petite Tonneau in Toranomon. A brief overview of what the squadron did in 2017 was given to the members who attended. Then, Bill Van Alstine, continuing as commander, was sworn in by Dick Schultz in his snazzy pink Nantucket canvas jacket. After that, the plans for the coming year were announced. Finally, food and drink and conversation were enjoyed by all until the raffle and prizes to end the evening at about 10.

The TSPS Bridge for 2018 hopes to continue and extend the progress made in 2017 in providing more opportunities for members to get out on the water. While it is still being decided whether to continue the Day on the Water activity at Velasis Marina, Hayama Marina Yacht Club has offered sailboat rental and sail training opportunities at rates given their members. More information about this, as well as the cruises and classes we have lined up, will be forthcoming.

See every on the water this year!

2018 TSPS Change of Watch


The 2018 Change of Watch, or CoW, is an annual TSPS event in which the Bridge reports to membership on the squadron’s financial status, education plans, membership activities, and events planned for 2018.  Those present will then cast a vote for an incoming Bridge for 2018. Attending this event is a great opportunity to get up to speed on the squadron’s 2018 objectives, participate in the selection of Bridge officers, meet other members of our organisation, and of course indulge in a wonderful dinner and have a few refreshments.

Hope to see you there!


Doors: 7:00PM
2017-2018 Presentation: 7:15PM
Buffet Dinner: 7:30PM
New Bridge: 8:15PM
Wrap-up and End: 10:00PM

Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018

Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Place: Le Petit Tonneau Toranomon

Deadline for Signing Up: Midnight Saturday, March 10, 2018


Members and Partners– ¥6,000
Guests/Non-members– ¥8,000

Please note: TSPS will be charged for the seats reserved for the evening. Therefore, we will request no-shows and those cancelling after March 10 to pay the event fee in full. 

Sign up here:

2018 TSPS CoW Signup Page

Le Petit Tonneau

2-1-1 Toranomon
Minato-Ku, Tokyo
Tel: +81-3-5545-4640


Getting there:







Again, looking forward to seeing you there.

Per Knudsen and Anne Bille Set To Sail The Final Stretch

Anne Bille hoisting the TSPS colors in Gibraltar

In June of this year TSPS Past Commander and long-time TSPS Bridge member Per Knudsen sailed his vessel Bifrost II from Lymington, UK to Gibraltar/La Linea, with stops in France and Portugal.

The voyage was carried out with a complement of able-bodied crew that included past TSPS members Ian Wilson and Randy Erskine, and present member Claus Eilersen. The trip was Leg 1 in the passage to deliver Bifrost II to its home port in Denia, Spain. Leg 2 will begin soon, with Per and Anne Bille currently provisioning Bifrost for a week-long sail, before they set off for the approximately 370 nm sail home up the Spanish coast.

Everyone at TSPS wishes them fair winds and following seas on their journey. Bon voyage!

Introduction To Sailing Course Begins October 23, 2017

On October 23, we will start a four-week sail basics class comprising classroom instruction on sail terminology and theory, followed each weekend (more or less) by on-the-water sailing instruction aboard our very own (until the lease runs out) Tartan 26 Fantail. We have found that the classroom and cockpit instruction reinforce each other, making learning faster.

Classroom sessions will run once a week for four consecutive weeks, subject to classroom availability, while the on-the-water sessions will be held on Saturdays from 10AM at Velasis Marina whenever we can book the boat.

You should consider this class if you have always wanted to try sailing, but have not had the chance, or you have had the chance, but feel you would be a better sailor if you went back and picked up the fundamental theory of it all.

We have room for 10 students and will divide our time between the Kamiyacho classroom and the Velasis Marina boat. Fees will be announced soon.

Contact Jeff Canaday if you have any questions and to reserve your place in TSPS sailing history. (Or ask about it next week at the Keelhaul on October 4 at Devil Craft Hamamatsucho)