After a frustrating year of canceled cruises due to weather, from typhoons to no wind, and various other reasons, the small but growing TSPS fleet had three successful days of cruising in steady northeasterly winds. Starting out on Nov. 2 and ending on Nov. 4 for the Culture Day week-end, four hardy sailboats participated: Sentosa, Taihei, Spray and Distant Dreamer.
The first leg was from Yokohama to Misaki. A convivial evening ensued as the four crews got together and regaled each other with wild tales of adventures on the high seas (well, in Tokyo Bay). The next day Arne took his boat Sentosa back to Yokohama Bayside Marina (the three young lads aboard had school on Monday). The other three boats made their way to Hota, in Chiba, a fast beam reach for most of the way (when ships weren’t making us slow down to let them by). We were disappointed to learn that the recent typhoon has put the onsen in Hota out of commission for a while. In any case we enjoyed a great lunch at Banya, after which Ryan and his crew on Spray made their way back to YBM, arriving there after dark (good job!) The final day, Monday, the remaining two boats Vince and Taihei along with Mike and Distant Dreamer took off in sunny weather for home in Yokohama. It was probably the best sailing of all three days since the sun as dancing on the waves all day.
Thanks to the crew who came and helped the skippers. It was good to end the year of TSPS cruising on a high note and we hope next year we will have more week-ends like this.
Click on images for the originals.
Yoav’s first time captaining his boat Leaving Misaki Bernard and USS Ronald Reagan Moon over our sail Blackhawk circling Party on the raft Rafting up Handshake on arrival Night return to YBM past Sarushima and Yokosuka Morning in Misaki Impromptu race Yoav & Tim outward leg