Golden Week Cruise

Two boats joined in the cruise over Golden Week, Mike Snyder’s Distant Dreamer with two crew and two TSPS member guests aboard (who left us in Misaki), and Arne Barden’s Sentosa, with Arne’s wife and three children. Sentosa formerly belonged to George Leaning and was known as Sophie. Both boats sail from Yokohama. Sentosa left first and headed for Misaki and Ito. DD followed, going to Misaki and with a plan to go to Shimoda, but rain and high winds (26-32 knots) made her stay in Misaki, where she met up with Sentosa on her return from Ito.

Besides meeting up with Sentosa in Misaki, Distant Dreamer had yacht Tonoas rafted to her with people we had met in Hota on the Opening Cruise. There was a Ukulele Festival being held in Misaki and they knew some of the musicians. Eventually, we had a number of musicians on board both boats and passed an enjoyable day listening to all kinds of music played on ukulele, violin, and jamisen (Okinawa shamisen).

With the high winds prevailing and Arne coming in from Ito, we decided to stay in Misaki an extra day and wait for him. Also, we were able to get up to the famous old TSPS Rendezvous location on the hill above Shoiso Bay and visit with long-time member and Past Commander Hunter Brumfield and his wife Eiko.

The sail back, both boats together until Uraga where DD turned in for fuel and lunch, was in beautiful weather, with 12-16 knots winds, clear skies and following seas.





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