We’ve had two cruises so far this autumn – the Silver Week Cruise of Sept. 15-17 and the just completed Sports Day Week-end Cruise of Oct. 6-8. The Silver Week Cruise was shortened because of a lack of wind. Two boats, motor cruiser Andiamo and sailboat Distant Dreamer, went to Velasis Marina, where we met up with the Velasis based Bifrost crew, Per and Anne. After a fun barbecue on Andiamo, the next morning Distant Dreamer decided to motor back to Yokohama due to a lack of wind. Andiamo cruised down to Misaki and then back to Yokohama.
The just completed October Cruise was a full three days of good wind for three sailboats: Distant Dreamer, Sentosa, and Akdenizli. The original plan was to sail to Velasis again, then on to Misaki. We changed the second destination to Hota in order to experience beam reach sailing, after the close hauled sailing of the first day with its numerous tacks. The first two days both had southwesterly winds. The third day, when the boats returned to Yokohama, the winds had shifted to northeasterly, which made for close reach sailing. Good experiences for some of our members who went along!
The sailing was interspersed with good eating at Matsuya Izakaya in Uraga near Velasis and at the famous Banya in Hota.
Everyone had a fine time. It was great to have three whole days of favorable weather for sailing after the disappointing weather we’ve had in somme of the previous cruises. TSPS can do many things, but it can’t control the weather, unfortunately.
We are all looking forward to another cruise in November.