The October Keelhaul was another great success at Pizzakaya: 34 people showed-up.

Among the group were two former Bridge Commanders (Eugin Mall and Eric Due), 4 guests and 3 new Members! This is our 8th consecutive Keelhaul where we exceeded 25 people, and our 3rd consecutive with 30 or more! The Keelhaul is increasingly becoming a solid, highly looked-forward-to monthly event.
The Bridge Meeting followed a week later as is usual: Keelhaul 1st Wednesday, Bridge Meeting 2nd Wednesday). Several important matters were decided including:
…. BBQ in Yumenoshima Marina on November 9 (Saturday) from 1:00 o’clock;
…. Open invitation to November Bridge Meeting (before Yumenoshima BBQ from 11:30)… all welcome to observe & join-in;
…. the Bonenkai on December 4 from 6:30 at The Tokyo Bay Intercontinental Hotel;
…. cancelling the Yokohama Boat Show TSPS booth (but NOT the SuperKeelhaul!); and
… getting rid of the dinghy;
…. no Keelhaul in November (replaced by 11/09 BBQ) nor in December (replaced by 12/04 Bonenkai).
Details on each to follow separately.
SKUTTLEBUTT: please see the newly uploaded report from Commander Bill Van Alstine on Lake Inawashiro Weekend Event (click on this hyperlink to go directly to the Post).
In any event, here are some
Photos from the Keelhaul:

Remember: NO KEELHAUL in November… instead a BBQ that weekend in Yumenoshima Marina on 11/09, Saturday.