Sailboat Rentals at Hayama

Good news for TSPS members!

We are able to rent Yamaha 30S sailboats at Hayama Marina through the Nihon Sail Training (NST) organization there. They have 6 of these boats that they are willing to rent to TSPS members at the friendly rate they give to Hayama Marina Yacht Club members, ¥20,000 for the day. The capacity of the boats is around 6 people (depending on size) or 500 kilograms total weight. At least one of the renting members must have a Japan boating license and be checked out by the NST to be competent in handling the boat and in putting the boat away properly. We have three such skippers now, so if you want to go out, one or two of them can join you for the initial sail. Once you are a known entity at Hayama, you’ll be able to take the boats out yourself.

At present we have three dates already reserved:  July 8 (Sun), 22 (Sun) and 28 (Sat). If you are interested in renting one of the boats, let us know: either one of these days or a day of your choosing (we’ll check the schedule and let you know if it’s possible.)

For more information and to reserve a day, get in touch with Mike Snyder.

Our joint event with Hayama Marina Yacht Club on July 21 would be a great time to check out the boats, too!



One thought on “Sailboat Rentals at Hayama

  1. Hello

    I have a Korean motor boat and sailing yacht license.

    And I was wondering if we could rent out a sailing boat.

    We are okay if you need have your skipper on board

    Our planned day of visit is August 30, Wednesday.

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