In spite of the dark forecasts provided for June 28 by various weather services in Japan, the TSPS Rendezvous 2014 went off without anyone getting more than a few drops of rain on them. In a sense, we walked between the raindrops on Saturday, with a bit of rain at around 1PM as the tables and chairs were being set up, then a wee bit more around 5PM. That was it. The comfortable temperatures and low humidity made for a very pleasant afternoon spent eating great hamburgers, steaks, sausages, salads, fruit, key-lime pies and a whole bunch more. Conversations about boats and boating sprung up everywhere and everyone was looking forward to getting out on the water this year.
Thirty one of the thirty-five people who signed up showed up in spite of the weather forecasts and had a very nice time. Our thanks go out to everyone who attended, and especially to Commander Eugen Mall, Mike Snyder, Per Knudsen, Anne Bille, Rumiko Fraser, and Masayo Wertheimber for their hard work in arranging the event location, provisioning, and preparing the food for the barbecue and the tables. Also a thank you to Velasis Marina for providing space with an awning and wonderful clover-laiden green grass to walk across.
Stay tuned to this website for more information on the next big TSPS social or sailing event.