Yarramundi In Faraulep Update

David Devlin aboard Yarramundi on Faraulep Island sent an update via satphone today. We, like everyone else concerned, are relieved that things are well in hand, and his spirits are up. Being stranded, even temporarily, thousands of miles out must be stressful, but as mentioned in our original post, it could be worse. The images on the homepage show the extent of the damage and the temporary repairs made.

Here is David’s email to his friends/supporter crew here in Japan:

Thanks for your many many many text messages and getting everything out there. Appreciate it heaps.

We are not in an emergency situation and are not stranded. Just delayed for a while. We have had two marine surveyors look at the photos on the blog and give us clear instructions on what to do.

We have one package containing basics to stop the leak, stop the insects and top up the beer supply. It arrives on supply ship H1 Wednesday and Captain Dominic is looking after it for us.

The parts to make us seaworthy were sent from a Guam boat shop to Yap and arrived this morning. Missing the supply ship.
They are at the Pacific Missionary Aviation office in Yap and pilot Amos Colins is looking after them for us (I believe). They will air drop them to us for $4600 within 3 or 4 hours of requesting. Not going to do that. But if there is a medivac situation or similar we can piggy back off that. For example Woleai is just 80miles from here and has an airstrip. There are 2 funerals there this weekend including that of the Chief’s wife so there is a chance that a big wig from Yap might fly out. Then we would only have to pay $200 for them to fly by here and do the drop. I am also talking to Arthor and Sam of the Yap fishing association. They are prepared to come here but they themselves are waiting on parts from Japan for their own boat. Just a side note – the supply ship is carrying the bodies so they could not delay. If they were not we could have asked them to wait and paid the captain a fee. But the Cheif is his father in-law. Everyone is related here. And as we are helping with things on the island – Nicky starts teaching English tomorrow – we will no doubt get a lot of help in return.

The supply ship H1 next leaves Yap again on June 14 and should get here June 18. So worst comes to worse we sit here for a month and I am forced into some R and R and Yarramundi would get a real work over with all those little jobs completed which I never got to. Still have not looked at a book since we left Shimoda as have been so busy.

But, if there is a yacht passing by sooner and can carry out package from the PMA (Amos Colin’s) office that would help us get underway sooner.

Finally – I am very worried that our satphone and laptop will get damaged from saltwater or just the hot salty air. So now that we have  the technical issues solved, the parts order and ready for shipment I will only take it out of its w/p case twice a day.

Once again – appreciate the help that you and everyone else is providing. Will post a blog tomorrow thanking Warren, Jason, Jiro, Mark and Simon too.


You can keep up on what’s happening aboard Yarramundi at David’s blog.

One thought on “Yarramundi In Faraulep Update

  1. Hi Dave, I was on Faraulap when the men were helping out with Yarramandi (drydock). I took lots of pictures and posted them on my facebook. Hope you guys are doing great. 

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