Golden Week Sailing 2024

Here is a compilation of sailplans by TSPS Members over Golden Week, PLUS their individual reports!

Please post comments to encourage more of this!

1.)  Captain Evan Burkowsky. 33’ Peterson: Garuda. Crew: Timothy Langley, Freddie Snoxall

  • Friday 26:  Katsuyama  —> Hota
  • Saturday 27: Hota
  • Sunday 28:      Hota —> Mikurajima (~24 hours)
  • Monday 29:      Mikurajima/Miyakejima (5 hours)
  • Tuesday 30:       Miyakejima
  • Wednesday 1:      Miyakejima (foul weather, hunker down in-port)
  • Thursday 2:            Miyakejima  —> Kozushima (4 hours)
  • Friday 3:                   Kozushima
  • Saturday 4:                Kozushima  —> Niijima (6 hours)
  • Sunday 5:                    Niijima —> Oshima (7 hours)
  • Monday 6:                    Oshima  —> Home-port Hota (8 hours)

2.)    Captain Claude Strobbe 33′ Kawamoto-made / New Japan Yacht design ANAIS. Crew: Max, Nikolay , Victor , Remi , Ogi

  • Sunday 28:      Misaki  —> Yokohama Bayside (race-day)
  • Monday 29:      Yokohama Bayside Marina  —> Hota
  • Tuesday 30:        Hota
  • Wednesday 1:        Hota —> Misaki
  • Thursday 2:              Misaki —> Ito
  • Friday 3:                          Ito —> Misaki
  • Saturday 4:                        Misaki —> Yumenoshima Marina

3.)    Captain Chris Eve 24′ Cornish Crabber EOTHEN. Crew: Kaoru

  • Saturday 27:  Yokohama Bayside —> Hota
  • Sunday 28:      Hota  —> Yokohama Bayside

4.)   Captain Robin Mah. 26’ NJY Libeccio Figaro. Crew: Alan, Andrew.

  • Wednesday 1: Yumenoshima    —> Misaki
  • Tuesday 2:         Misaki   —> Ito
  • Wednesday 3:      Ito    —> Misaki
  • Thursday 4:            Misaki    —> Yumenoshima

5.)    Captain Mike Snyder 42’ Distant Dreamer. Crew: Jeff, Eric

  • Saturday 27: Marinpia   —> Kaminoseki (Murotsu Harbor)
  • Sunday 28:     Kaminoseki    —> Nuwajima
  • Monday 29:      Nuwajima   —> Nakajima
  • Tuesday 30:        Nakajima   —> Horie Matsuyama
  • Wednesday 1:         Horie Matsuyama   —> Marinpia Misasi Marina

6.)   Captain Darren Halliday. 34.5’ Hanse: Halcyon. Crew: solo; Naomi, Kiwi joining in Niijima

  • Sat. 27: Yumenoshima —> Misaki
  • Sun. 28: Misaki —>  Yokohama Bayside (race-day)
  • Mon. 29: Yokohama Bayside
  • Tues. 30:   Yokohama —> Hota
  • Wed 1: Hota
  • Thurs 2:       Hota —> Ito
  • Fri. 3:            Ito —> Shimoda
  • Sat. 4:             Shimoda —> Niijima
  • Sun. 5:              Niijima
  • Mon. 6:               Niijima  —> Yumenoshima

Actual Sailplans, as realized (attached):


Timothy Langley

About Timothy Langley

I have been aware of TSPS for 15 years but only fell into it when someone invited me to a Keelhaul; I didn't know what it was. I signed-up to take the test, aced-it thanks to TSPS, and thereafter changed my weekends of working on old cars to sailing regularly. I soon stumbled on a decrepit abandoned yacht, purchased it, fixed it up, sailed the heck out of it. It is now a very proper and reliable sailing vessel. Under the tutelage of Captain Burkowsky I started my journey to somewhat-competence as a solo sailor (a long road). I am nowadays out on the Pacific almost every weekend. Completely smitten.

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