Skuttlebutt is on fire!

July has been particularly active with a three-day weekend, a fruitful Bridge Meeting, a 24-hour Aomori & Hokodate race, the JRMA test. It has also been active on the blog-section of the TSPS webpage. In fact, Skuttlebutt has enjoyed the most active-month-on-record: FIVE posts!

Take a look at these below and offer a comment, observation or ‘atta boy!’ for encouragement. Also consider offering your own story: any Bridge Member should be able to help upload.

Many thanks for your support and participation: August 7 is the next Keelhaul at Pizzakaya! The weekend afterwards is another 3-day weekend!


  1.  Repairing a Sunfish by Bill Van Alstine
  2.  Bridge July Report by Timothy Langley
  3.  Three Day Sailing Weekend by Remi Wyszynski
  4.  Preparing for the JRMA Class II license exam by Maria Tenold
  5. July Keelhaul Report by Timothy Langley



Total hits: 14,696 from 2,085 individuals (!)

Heaviest hit pages(last 30 days):

  1.       Homepage: 1338
  2.       Boating in Japan: 417
  3.       Contact us: 392
  4.       July Keelhaul Report: 339
  5.       Class 1 & 2 Japan Boat License: 319
  6.        Drop of a hat: find a yacht to sail on any weekend: 289
  7.        Captain Evan’s Excellent GW Adventure: 287


  1.   Captain Evan’s Excellent GW Adventure
  2.     Full-restoration of vintage 33’ Peterson sailing yacht!
  3.       2023 Fall BBQ at Yumenoshima Marina
  4.         Golden Week Sailing 2024


  •    70% visitors via desktop;
  •    12% via iPhone.


Timothy Langley

About Timothy Langley

I joined TSPS 5 years ago after stumbling-upon a decrepit abandoned yacht in Chiba; I joined in order to get my Class II license so that I could sail the craft while fixing it up. Eventually, with the help of TSPS and friends like Evan Burkowsky and Tony Hardie, we made the boat (and me, too!) seaworthy. More recently, I have fallen into an even older larger sailboat and am working with friends to restore her to magnificence! She is a very desirable fifty-year old Swan 44'. So I will part with my beloved Santana and transition from solo-sailing to a more traditional crew-sailing (but to much farther destinations!). Sailing is such a rich and deep pastime. Thank you for posting your own comments and sailing experiences here.

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