Tag Archives: barbecue

Report: 2013 Spring Rendezvous & Cruise


The 2013 Spring Rendezvous and Cruise held on June 8 began under clear blue skies. It wasn’t supposed to happen that way, given the “Ministry of Weather” had declared the beginning of rainy season two weeks before. We’d done our due diligence, reserving space at Velasis next to the clubhouse to take advantage of their giant awning if the rain came down. When it became clear that Saturday would remain clear, we quickly moved the event to deck space separating the boat yard from the marina for a view of the boats floating at their docks; the perfect setting for the feast we’d prepared.

Over thirty people attended the event, with new and old members mixing with friends with children. Two boats sailed in: Mike Snyder’s Distant Dreamer carrying two crew and Demir Sadikoglu’s Akdenizli with four people aboard.

It was a lively barbecue that kicked off when the beer keg was tapped at 2:00PM. The fire had been lit a bit before and soon the cook had steaks and chicken on the barbie. By the time the coals had burned out, everyone got their fill of steak, chicken, prawns, paella, steamed mussels, caesar salad, Mexican rolls, and fruit salad. Many types of beer were on offer, and the same for red and white wines, soft drinks, and water. By the end of the event everything had been consumed, with no one left wanting.

A big thanks to everyone who came out, and a special thanks to those who worked hard at putting it all together: Per Knudsen, Eugen Mall, Francis Wertheimber, and the hostess with the mostest, Rumiko Fraser.

If you attended, why not leave a comment below.

Here are a few photos in the Rendezvous photo gallery.



Report: The TSPS/Hayama Marina Sail and Barbecue, 10/20/12

In late September, 2012, TSPS members were invited by Hayama Marina members to a day on the water and an afternoon around a barbecue. On October 20th, over twenty-five TSPS members made the trip south to Hayama and were joined by another fifteen people from Hayama Marina, led by Kobayashi-san, the chief organizer of the event. Four sailboats took members out on the water, departing the docks a little after 1000h under clear skies and little wind. Lunch was at anchor in a small bay easily within shouting distance of the Emperor’s summer home. The water there was boiling with schools of small fish, and much larger bora were leaping all around. It was quite the sight. After lunch, the boats sailed around a bit before returning to the marina at a little after 1400h. By 1500h, the barbecue was in full stride. A number of members who could not make the sailing portion of the day came down for the barbecue, and under the clearest of skies the forty-or-so of us began to feast on typical barbecue fare– vegetables, chicken, pork, sausage, yakisoba, and enjoy cold beer and wines. As the sun began to set, festivities culminated in thank-you speeches from the skippers of the boats and TSPS Commander Warren Fraser. The pianist who had played during the barbecue began to invite people up for a round of karaoke and on that note, the event came to a close.

TSPS would  again like to thank the members of Hayama Marina for welcoming us aboard their boats for a beautiful day on the water and a delicious barbecue in the boatyard. We’d also like to thank all the TSPS members who made it to Hayama. We are already looking forward to next year’s Hayama event.

Photos from the event are available here.


Spring Rendezvous Photos Now Downloadable

By popular demand, we’ve made the photos taken at the Spring Rendezvous available for download. Of course, you’re free to do with them what you like, but if you post them publicly on your Facebook or social network site, we’d like to ask you to mention the photos are from a Tokyo Sail & Power Squadron event. It may, after all, help us make new friends and find new members.

Have at them!

Fair winds,
Warren Fraser
Commander, TSPS

Report: TSPS Spring Rendezvous, 2012

2012-Spring-Rendezvous-15The TSPS Rendezvous held on June 23rd at Velasis Marina was a success. The party kicked off at 1400h and went until dusk. Lunch included roast chicken, barbecued hamburgers, caesar salad, and fruit, all was washed down with a collection of fine European craft and draft beers, Spanish wines, and American soft drinks. Demir and Nao made the trip by boat as did Stuart Gibson and a group of friends aboard his powerboat. In total 29 people attended, including our newest members Pierre-Jacque and partner Pascale from France, and Rumiko Fraser. To these three, welcome to TSPS; and to the rest, thanks so much for coming down to Velasis for the afternoon.

Warren Fraser,
Commander TSPS