Tag Archives: Shimoda

Yarramundi in Cairns

TSPS-member David Devlin successfully completed his five-month voyage from Japan to Australia on August 17. Departing on March 25th from Shimoda, David sailed south to among other places, Ogasawara, Saipan, Faralaup, Yap, and Papua New Guinea, before making a dash across a tempestuous Solomon Sea and a calmer Coral Sea to arrive in Cairns under ideal sailing conditions. As David says, “After all this little boat has been through it is nice to have a such a pleasant sail into her first port in Australia.”

David’s journey had more than its fair share of hardships (you can read his blog here), but through it all, David maintained a positive attitude in the face of such difficulties that was, in short, inspirational.

On behalf of the TSPS Bridge and TSPS members, we congratulate David for his achievement, and look forward to seeing David when he returns to Tokyo.

Warren Fraser
Commander, TSPS

So We Strike, Like…

Over Golden Week, four boats made their way to the west coast of Izu. We wrote the details of the journey in detail not long ago. During the trip the shutterbugs were hard at work snapping pictures, which we’ve turned into video slideshows. The photos in this video are from the camera of Bifrost skipper and crew Per Knudsen and Anne Bille. Editing is by Warren Fraser. Youtube approves of our choice of music, and therefore the video may not be viewable in some regions.



and previously posted: a video from the crew of Distant Dreamer


David Devlin Sets Sail For Australia

TSPS sailor David Devlin set off from Shimoda port aboard Yarramundi, his Jeaunneau 34 on March 25 bound for Sydney, Australia, a voyage that we understand may take up to a year to complete. His course south will begin with stops in Shikinejima and Hachijojima in the Izu Islands south of Tokyo, before setting off for Ogasawara in the Bonin island chain, some 480 nautical miles south-south east of Shimoda. We’re not sure in which direction David will point the bow from there, but he’ll likely be stopping at some of the islands that dot the Philippine Sea and other areas because in addition to running his business and sailing, David is also an avid underwater photographer. We’re pretty sure he won’t pass up on opportunities to dive in places like Palau, Truk, or Yap. Along the way, a few fortunate friends will accompany David aboard Yarramundi on various legs of this 6,000 nautical mile voyage to Sydney. Lucky them!

We’ll keep you posted as more specific information about David’s trip comes to us. If you’d like to follow his voyage south you can read about it on his Sailblog, ‘Towards Sydney’.

You can see David, Yarramundi and other TSPS boats underway in this video.

On behalf of everyone at TSPS, we wish David a very pleasant  and safe voyage on his way toward Sydney.