HMYC-TSPS Joint Sailing Event Outstanding Fun
TSPS was once again honored to be able to participate in the Sailors for the Sea・Sunset Regatta &a...
Ocean Day Cruise 2018
Three boats participated in this year’s Ocean Day Cruise, July 14-16: Bifrost with Skipper Per...
Sailboat Rentals at Hayama
Good news for TSPS members! We are able to rent Yamaha 30S sailboats at Hayama Marina through the Ni...
2018 Rendezvous A Big Hit
Thirty six TSPS members and guests attended this year’s Rendezvous at Yumenoshima Marina in To...
TSPS HMYC Joint Sailing 2018 Event Coming Up
Sailors for the Sea・Sunset Regatta & Party with TSPS This year’s joint sailing event wit...
Golden Week Cruise
Two boats joined in the cruise over Golden Week, Mike Snyder’s Distant Dreamer with two crew a...
Blind Sailor to Sail from San Diego to Fukushima
Voyage of Inspiration- Spring 2019: A blind sailor is going to sail, non-stop, from San Diego to Fuk...
Opening Cruise to Hota Accomplished
Delayed a week due to inclement weather on the originally scheduled week-end, the TSPS Opening Cruis...
Bridge Officers for 2018 Sworn in at Change of Watch
On Thursday, March 15th, the Change of Watch was held at Le Petite Tonneau in Toranomon. A brief ove...
2018 TSPS Change of Watch
The 2018 Change of Watch, or CoW, is an annual TSPS event in which the Bridge reports to memb...
Per Knudsen and Anne Bille Set To Sail The Final Stretch
In June of this year TSPS Past Commander and long-time TSPS Bridge member Per Knudsen sailed his ves...
Introduction To Sailing Course Begins October 23, 2017
On October 23, we will start a four-week sail basics class comprising classroom instruction on sail ...