2024 JRMA class schedule
Ahoy, for all our the curious sailors of Japanese waters! Here is JMRA Class 2 and Class 1 teaching ...
End of a Year Party! Dec 6, 2023
It`s time to announce our annual Bonenkai!!! This year the party will take place in the ic...
’23 Fall BBQ at Yumenoshima Marina
by Timothy Langley, posted on 10/16/23 The Tokyo Sail & Powerboat Squadron hosted it’s wonderf...
Keelhaul: monthly gathering of salty dogs
September ’23 at Pizzakaya in Nishi Azabu By Timothy Langley The second Wednesday of September...
Golden Week 2023 Sail Report
by Timothy Langley, May 15, 2023 Tokyo (revised September 26th) Overview: The following describ...
October BBQ 2023 at Yumenoshima Marina
The summer heat is not going away anytime soon, so let`s have some refreshment with beer and a ...
Let`s Go Gwen-san!
Please follow the link to learn about Gwen Breton who is rowing to America from Japan. https://letsg...
Golden Week 2023 Sail Report
by Timothy Langley, May 15, 2023 Tokyo Overview: Vessel: Yamaha ‘26C sailing yacht (1983) Santana....
April Keelhaul Report
April 5th, 2023 By Timothy Langley As usual, the second Wednesday of every month is reserved for our...
Super Keelhaul 2023 Report
March 25th, 2023 By Timothy Langley The SuperKeelhaul is an annual event always held in conjunction ...
2023 JMRA Class schedule
Ahoy, new minted sailors of Japanese waters! Oops, you haven`t passed an exam yet? Here is JMRA 2023...
TSPS February Keelhaul report
February 1, 2023By Timothy Langley DevilCraft in Gotanda was the venue for our February Keelhaul.Mor...